
How can it be this hard.

It seems so simple. Kids are tired. Sleep is the answer. Nap. End of story.

YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My friend Tracy is working this week so I agreed to watch her son Thomas for the day. Due to some "interesting" circumstances I also have her daughter Maria. Thomas and Kaden have been playing all morning and for the most part they are having a good time. A couple of sharing issues and some stealing of the sippy cups but otherwise a nice morning. Lunch was served. Kids ate. Diapers were changed. All set to nap.

Why then did it take me an hour and a half to get both boys down for naps??? Kaden usually goes down without a fuss. Thomas has napped at my house before so it's not entirely new to him. What is the deal. By the end of it they were both asleep (finally!) and I am left feeling frazzled and somewhat in need of a nap myself. Oh well. Aubrie will be home from school in 15 minutes and I'm sure the girls will have lots of fun playing.

Maybe I'll go drink some more coffee and clean up the disaster that we affectionately call our toy room.

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