
It's Hard

My little man went in for his 1 year well-baby appt and it didn't go nearly as well as I expected. We have always been very blessed to have healthy children and I know that I need to keep this all in perspective. The perspective has taken about a week. Kaden isn't growing as well as the doctor's would like and they have some concerns so we had to do bloodwork. I mean to say that I had to hold him down and watch (in horror) as they tried to get blood from his little arm. This process was repeated five days later when I, once again, got to hold him down. Two days after that I had to take him in for a shot. The ENTIRE way home in the car Kaden sat in the backseat saying, "Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da!" So...now he wants Daddy because Mommy keeps letting him get stuck with needles. AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes being the Mommy is just hard. We do what is best (or at least what we think and pray is best) and our kids totally don't understand. Then...our husband's come home and "save the day." There are moments when I want to whine like my almost six year old and say...."IT'S NOT FAIR!!!"

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