

Time moves so quickly...I cannot believe the summer is almost over. It went by in a whirlwind of activities and company. I am still amazed at how fast my kids are growing and changing. Every time I think I have things figured out they go and change again. For today this is how things are in my world...

Aubrie: Is excited about Kindergarten. CANNOT stop doing cartwheels, handstands and flips. Loves to play with her friends. Adores her brother. Is terrible at cleaning up after herself. Still likes to be Mommy's little snugly girl (but only when she is really tired) and typically changes her dress three or four times a day.

Kaden: Loves his Mommy. Loves to play with his Daddy. Adores his big sister. Is sleeping in his crib and falling asleep by himself (go me!). Is highly entertained by his dogs, his bath and any toy that makes noise. Like his sister the only baby food he doesn't like is peaches. Some things must be genetic...He is the cutest thing...I love having a sweet little boy.

Steven: Gets up early. Drinks too much coffee. Loves his dogs. Goes to work and works very hard to support his family. Can't wait to come home. Adores his kids. Makes me feel so special every day. He is an amazing Daddy and a wonderful husband. He also really loves food, NASCAR, Amp, #88, Ice Hockey, #8, reading the newspaper and reading a lot of magazines (Newsweek, Money Magazine, Consumer Reports).

Bailey: Poor dog. Licks and chews at his poor tail (and other parts we won't mention) all day long. He's so gross that only a mother could love him...and I do. He is still my sweet Boo-Face and I adore him (even though I'm a little embarrassed to take him out in public).

MAX: "The Beast" is happy. Lazy. Smart. Stupid. Barks really loudly. Snores. Is amazingly gentle. Adores Steven. Is incredibly patient when Aubrie and her friends/cousins try to ride him. Always seems to have an ear infection. LOVES to eat Bailey's food. Drinks an impressive amount of water and drools it all over the floor. Good Boy!!!

Erin: Blessed to have such a wonderful family. Enjoying the moments...good and bad. Quiet and loud. Fun and stressful. I love my family with all of my heart and I thank God for each one of them.

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