
Busy, Busy, Busy

I'm sorry it has been so long since I have updated. We have been insanely busy with Thanksgiving at our house and then Aubrie's birthday. Now "Grandma and Pop-Pop" are here for a visit and we are greatly enjoying their company and Grandma's tic-tacs!!!

I will be posting pictures soon...I currently can't find my camera...I think it might be in the "dumping ground" otherwise known as my office. The last six weeks I have taken piles of papers and other miscellaneous things and literally dumped them on the floor in my office. What a mess. Hey...I've been keeping up with the basement, the toy room, the piano room, the family room, the kitchen, the breakfast room, the powder room, the guest room, Kaden's room, Aubrie's room, the laundry room, the kids bathroom and sort of my room too! That's a whole lot of house!!! One room to dump my stuff is not too bad...plus it is sort of therapeutic to take a whole pile of stuff...throw it on the floor and walk away. I'm sure I'll be regretting it later when I have to clean it all up but hey...you can only do so much in a day and then you just dump the rest. I'm a Mom, a Wife, a Sister, a Daughter, a Dog-Owner...the list goes on and on but the one thing I definitely am not is "Super Woman!!!" :-)

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