

Bonk is a pretty popular word in our family. We are dorks. We know it.

Kaden has entered his second year of life with great gusto and has "bonked" his head so many times today I can't even count. I bonked it once....Oops! I guess I'm out of the running for "mother of the year." I was bending down to pick something up and I had Kaden on my hip and he bent over as I stood up and hit his head on the kitchen counter. Ahhh....I really hate that. I always feel so bad.

It reminded me of the time when Aubrie had just turned 2 and I took her to the doctor to get her shots. She was so brave and didn't cry at all but then I was holding her and AGAIN bent down to pick something up and when I stood up I hit her head on the side of the cabinet in the doctor's office. She SCREAMED. Oops. I didn't win "Mother of the Year" that year either. Oh well. Maybe someday....

Yeah right! :-)

1 comment:

momofkrit said...

Good thing we live in seperate states becuase if I was in competition with you for Mother of the Year, I would SO win. I've never "bonked" my kids heads!!!