It's Hard
My little man went in for his 1 year well-baby appt and it didn't go nearly as well as I expected. We have always been very blessed to have healthy children and I know that I need to keep this all in perspective. The perspective has taken about a week. Kaden isn't growing as well as the doctor's would like and they have some concerns so we had to do bloodwork. I mean to say that I had to hold him down and watch (in horror) as they tried to get blood from his little arm. This process was repeated five days later when I, once again, got to hold him down. Two days after that I had to take him in for a shot. The ENTIRE way home in the car Kaden sat in the backseat saying, "Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da!" So...now he wants Daddy because Mommy keeps letting him get stuck with needles. AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes being the Mommy is just hard. We do what is best (or at least what we think and pray is best) and our kids totally don't understand. Then...our husband's come home and "save the day." There are moments when I want to whine like my almost six year old and say...."IT'S NOT FAIR!!!"
Bonk is a pretty popular word in our family. We are dorks. We know it.
Kaden has entered his second year of life with great gusto and has "bonked" his head so many times today I can't even count. I bonked it once....Oops! I guess I'm out of the running for "mother of the year." I was bending down to pick something up and I had Kaden on my hip and he bent over as I stood up and hit his head on the kitchen counter. Ahhh....I really hate that. I always feel so bad.
It reminded me of the time when Aubrie had just turned 2 and I took her to the doctor to get her shots. She was so brave and didn't cry at all but then I was holding her and AGAIN bent down to pick something up and when I stood up I hit her head on the side of the cabinet in the doctor's office. She SCREAMED. Oops. I didn't win "Mother of the Year" that year either. Oh well. Maybe someday....
Yeah right! :-)
Kaden has entered his second year of life with great gusto and has "bonked" his head so many times today I can't even count. I bonked it once....Oops! I guess I'm out of the running for "mother of the year." I was bending down to pick something up and I had Kaden on my hip and he bent over as I stood up and hit his head on the kitchen counter. Ahhh....I really hate that. I always feel so bad.
It reminded me of the time when Aubrie had just turned 2 and I took her to the doctor to get her shots. She was so brave and didn't cry at all but then I was holding her and AGAIN bent down to pick something up and when I stood up I hit her head on the side of the cabinet in the doctor's office. She SCREAMED. Oops. I didn't win "Mother of the Year" that year either. Oh well. Maybe someday....
Yeah right! :-)
Kaden's 1st Birthday!!!

Wow! We had a seriously fun day today! It started with some snuggle time with Mommy in bed at 6:00 a.m. We enjoyed "Mickey Mouse" shaped pancakes with lots of syrup, sprinkles and whipped cream. We opened presents and then down for a nap by 10:15. Kaden (and Mommy) both enjoyed a nice long nap. We woke up and started preparing for the party. Three cake mixes later we were ready for the party to begin. Our small group friends and some neighbors came over to celebrate. My Mom was also here for the weekend to share Kaden's birthday with us. We really had fun. Kaden had the most fun of all. Enjoy the pictures. Sorry there are so many...I just couldn't choose!

Can be very useful when you have a runny nose. They are also good for picking up dead bugs. Occasionally I use them as wipes (in a pinch). They are wonderful and I've been using a lot of them lately.
Kaden was enjoying them tonight for a completely different reason.

Tissues are amazing. You pull one out of the box and ANOTHER ONE POPS UP!!!! Wow!!! Check out the twinkle in his eyes...he was having FUN!!!
Halloween and other exciting things

So...it's been far too long since I have updated my blog!!! We had a wonderful time Trick-Or-Treating at my sister's house (thank you, Katie!). Aubrie went as a "Wedding Girl" (i.e. a bride) and Kaden was a "Lion." Very fun and super cute!
We've all been sick for the last week. I have lost my voice on and off all week and Kaden has been miserable with a very stuffy, runny nose and a cough. Mine is indeed a very glamorous life this week as I spend my time wiping noses and coughing. Don't be too jealous...I also get to wipe up puke, clean up poo and do dishes AND sweep the floor. Oh...and don't forget clean Kaden's hands after he has splashed to his heart's content in the dog's water bowl. That is good stuff! :-)
My handsome little man in just days away from turning 1! I fact I still cannot even begin to wrap my head around. How did a whole year go by so quickly? I can't stand it. I want him to stay little forever. Yeah, I know, I know...it doesn't work that way.
My Mom is planning to come down for Kaden's birthday and other than that we aren't doing too much. I'm not as organized as Katie was with her first child's 1st birthday...does anyone remember the duck peanut butter and jelly sandwiches??? My how things have changed....
Well, here are some pics from Halloween...enjoy!
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