

It is official...I have joined the world of "coffee drinkers." My kids are responsible for this. I love them dearly and they are the most wonderful blessings in the whole wide world but they are EXHAUSTING!!! I only got three hours of sleep last night. Kaden was awake four times wanting to nurse and just crying miserably. He's teething. Poor baby. Aubrie came in our room around 4:30...Steven carried her back. She came in again around 5:00...I told her to go to Daddy's side of the bed because he was already up and getting ready for work...she started in the middle of the bed and then moved quickly over to my side and ended up sleeping with an arm around me and a leg on top of me. My little Koala Bear! At 8:00 she came in fully dressed and wanted me to check out a game on her Leapster...I could hardly even open my eyes. So here I sit...allowing my daughter to eat her breakfast up in Mommy's room (sorry about the bread crumbs on your side of the bed Honey) while she is entertained by my favorite baby sitter...Mr TV. And what am I doing this morning? Am I emptying the dishwasher, sweeping the floor, vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms, doing laundry? NO! I am sitting here enjoying a cup of coffee and blogging because I'm not quite awake enough to officially start my day. And let's face it...I will sweep the floor and the dogs will bring in dirt...I will empty the dishwasher but we will quickly fill it up again but for right now I have one sleeping kid, one entertained kid and one hot cup of coffee. What more can I ask for?

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