I love my family so much!!!
We met at White Marsh, MD for a quick get together to celebrate my niece Rhiannon's 7th birthday and also just to catch up before the school year gets into full swing. We will all be very busy this fall. So for a last summer hurrah we headed up and met at 1:00 sharp at the mall in White Marsh. Well, okay...it wasn't exactly 1:00 sharp. But somewhere between 1:00 and 3:00 we all eventually arrived and got together. After a quick shopping trip (yeah...I got to use 3 coupons and I didn't even spend a dollar) and an inevitable trip to the toy store we left to go to dinner. Jonah and Kaden were so happy to see each other. Well, Jonah was happy anyway. He immediately attacked Kaden by grabbing his hair and yanking. Kaden started to cry. Jonah: Strike 1!!!
Dinner was...well interesting. Despite a "cupcake hostess" that was sending us dirty looks and talking about us to the other servers we had a nice time. But seriously...my sister, Katie's kids really have to go to the bathroom a lot. Jonah eats a lot and stole a french fry right out of Kaden's hand. Kaden looked confused..."Where did my food go?" Jonah: Strike 2!!!
Next we walked over to the fountains and pretended to throw each child into the water but managed to somehow keep everyone relatively dry. A few coins thrown in for good measure and a quick present opening session for Rhia. Loved Aunt Emme's gift. Loved Nannee's gift. Ummm...thanks Aunt Amy. Jonah behaved but only because he was being held.
After being scared away from the fountains by a creepy dude checking out our kids we took a trip to the bookstore and received very strict, VERY LOUD instructions from Aunt Emme that all children were to stay in the kids section and not to leave...EVER...UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY A PARENT. (Steven was at the time walking back and sitting down behind the creepy man and debating if he wanted to punch him out for being so gross. Common sense won and he just stayed long enough to make sure Gross, Creepy Dude wasn't following our kids to the bookstore.) And then...believe it or not...Katie's kids had to go to the bathroom AGAIN. They are little peeing machines. Jonah and Kaden were playing on a blanket. Jonah rolls over to Kaden and physically pummels him down to the ground. Kaden cries. Jonah: Strike 3!!! YOU'RE OUT!!!
After that comes a 45 minute discussion about where to go for ice cream. Seriously...can't we just make up our minds. "I know" says Aunt Emme, "Let's circle the mall and look for the Friendly's or the DQ."......Well, none of that worked. How about Frosty's from Wendy's and a nice spot to loiter in the mall parking lot while the kids run around and we all talk and laugh.
By the way...who's idea was it for us to have a cartwheel exhibition??? I can't do a cartwheel as I so grandly displayed to my whole family....the good news...Kyle and Iain are almost as bad as me and Teagan is even worse!!! Go Mom for showing us all how it's done and Dave...you rock. Don't worry Honey...yours are still my favorite!
I love each member of our family and had so much fun seeing you all. I miss you so much. Thanks for all making the trip to White Marsh for a fun day! I cherish each of you! And Jonah...don't worry Kaden will pay you back someday!!! :-)
Blessed to have such an amazingly fun and awesome family,
You dread it when you are a kid. Long for it when you are a parent.
Is it just me or is that totally unfair and completely backward???
Is it just me or is that totally unfair and completely backward???
Coffee 2
2nd cup of coffee has kicked in...
TV is off...
Kaden just woke up...
Watch out world...HERE WE COME!!!
TV is off...
Kaden just woke up...
Watch out world...HERE WE COME!!!
It is official...I have joined the world of "coffee drinkers." My kids are responsible for this. I love them dearly and they are the most wonderful blessings in the whole wide world but they are EXHAUSTING!!! I only got three hours of sleep last night. Kaden was awake four times wanting to nurse and just crying miserably. He's teething. Poor baby. Aubrie came in our room around 4:30...Steven carried her back. She came in again around 5:00...I told her to go to Daddy's side of the bed because he was already up and getting ready for work...she started in the middle of the bed and then moved quickly over to my side and ended up sleeping with an arm around me and a leg on top of me. My little Koala Bear! At 8:00 she came in fully dressed and wanted me to check out a game on her Leapster...I could hardly even open my eyes. So here I sit...allowing my daughter to eat her breakfast up in Mommy's room (sorry about the bread crumbs on your side of the bed Honey) while she is entertained by my favorite baby sitter...Mr TV. And what am I doing this morning? Am I emptying the dishwasher, sweeping the floor, vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms, doing laundry? NO! I am sitting here enjoying a cup of coffee and blogging because I'm not quite awake enough to officially start my day. And let's face it...I will sweep the floor and the dogs will bring in dirt...I will empty the dishwasher but we will quickly fill it up again but for right now I have one sleeping kid, one entertained kid and one hot cup of coffee. What more can I ask for?
Time moves so quickly...I cannot believe the summer is almost over. It went by in a whirlwind of activities and company. I am still amazed at how fast my kids are growing and changing. Every time I think I have things figured out they go and change again. For today this is how things are in my world...
Aubrie: Is excited about Kindergarten. CANNOT stop doing cartwheels, handstands and flips. Loves to play with her friends. Adores her brother. Is terrible at cleaning up after herself. Still likes to be Mommy's little snugly girl (but only when she is really tired) and typically changes her dress three or four times a day.
Kaden: Loves his Mommy. Loves to play with his Daddy. Adores his big sister. Is sleeping in his crib and falling asleep by himself (go me!). Is highly entertained by his dogs, his bath and any toy that makes noise. Like his sister the only baby food he doesn't like is peaches. Some things must be genetic...He is the cutest thing...I love having a sweet little boy.
Steven: Gets up early. Drinks too much coffee. Loves his dogs. Goes to work and works very hard to support his family. Can't wait to come home. Adores his kids. Makes me feel so special every day. He is an amazing Daddy and a wonderful husband. He also really loves food, NASCAR, Amp, #88, Ice Hockey, #8, reading the newspaper and reading a lot of magazines (Newsweek, Money Magazine, Consumer Reports).
Bailey: Poor dog. Licks and chews at his poor tail (and other parts we won't mention) all day long. He's so gross that only a mother could love him...and I do. He is still my sweet Boo-Face and I adore him (even though I'm a little embarrassed to take him out in public).
MAX: "The Beast" is happy. Lazy. Smart. Stupid. Barks really loudly. Snores. Is amazingly gentle. Adores Steven. Is incredibly patient when Aubrie and her friends/cousins try to ride him. Always seems to have an ear infection. LOVES to eat Bailey's food. Drinks an impressive amount of water and drools it all over the floor. Good Boy!!!
Erin: Blessed to have such a wonderful family. Enjoying the moments...good and bad. Quiet and loud. Fun and stressful. I love my family with all of my heart and I thank God for each one of them.
Aubrie: Is excited about Kindergarten. CANNOT stop doing cartwheels, handstands and flips. Loves to play with her friends. Adores her brother. Is terrible at cleaning up after herself. Still likes to be Mommy's little snugly girl (but only when she is really tired) and typically changes her dress three or four times a day.
Kaden: Loves his Mommy. Loves to play with his Daddy. Adores his big sister. Is sleeping in his crib and falling asleep by himself (go me!). Is highly entertained by his dogs, his bath and any toy that makes noise. Like his sister the only baby food he doesn't like is peaches. Some things must be genetic...He is the cutest thing...I love having a sweet little boy.
Steven: Gets up early. Drinks too much coffee. Loves his dogs. Goes to work and works very hard to support his family. Can't wait to come home. Adores his kids. Makes me feel so special every day. He is an amazing Daddy and a wonderful husband. He also really loves food, NASCAR, Amp, #88, Ice Hockey, #8, reading the newspaper and reading a lot of magazines (Newsweek, Money Magazine, Consumer Reports).
Bailey: Poor dog. Licks and chews at his poor tail (and other parts we won't mention) all day long. He's so gross that only a mother could love him...and I do. He is still my sweet Boo-Face and I adore him (even though I'm a little embarrassed to take him out in public).
MAX: "The Beast" is happy. Lazy. Smart. Stupid. Barks really loudly. Snores. Is amazingly gentle. Adores Steven. Is incredibly patient when Aubrie and her friends/cousins try to ride him. Always seems to have an ear infection. LOVES to eat Bailey's food. Drinks an impressive amount of water and drools it all over the floor. Good Boy!!!
Erin: Blessed to have such a wonderful family. Enjoying the moments...good and bad. Quiet and loud. Fun and stressful. I love my family with all of my heart and I thank God for each one of them.
My Precious Kids

I truly do love being a MOM! It is the best job in the whole world and I wouldn't trade it for a thing...a little more sleep would be nice and a few minutes to myself every once in a while would be nice too but these things will come in time I am sure. For now I am blessed to be in great demand and to be very busy caring for my sweet kiddos!
Well, it started in early July and it is finally finished. We are done having company (family and friends) visit for the summer. It was a total blast and we are all exhausted! Aubrie is going to need a serious review of all the house rules after spending time with her best friend Hannah, her Grandma and Pop-Pop, Aunt Katie, Aunt Amy and her five cousins!
Last night I had both of my kids in bed (and asleep) by 10:00 and Steven and I sat down to watch the Olympics and I couldn't believe how quiet the house was with just the two of us! By the way...for those of you that don't know me too well...having my kids in bed and asleep by 10:00 p.m. is quite a victory! AND...Kaden is falling asleep in his crib...BY HIMSELF!!!! Go Me!
Thank you to everyone who came to our house and made our summer fun, fulfilling and exciting. We really do love to have our family and our friends come and be such a big part of our lives! We will miss you all and hope to see you again soon...
Now I'm off to clean the house...YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Six kids and three dogs make such a mess!!!
Last night I had both of my kids in bed (and asleep) by 10:00 and Steven and I sat down to watch the Olympics and I couldn't believe how quiet the house was with just the two of us! By the way...for those of you that don't know me too well...having my kids in bed and asleep by 10:00 p.m. is quite a victory! AND...Kaden is falling asleep in his crib...BY HIMSELF!!!! Go Me!
Thank you to everyone who came to our house and made our summer fun, fulfilling and exciting. We really do love to have our family and our friends come and be such a big part of our lives! We will miss you all and hope to see you again soon...
Now I'm off to clean the house...YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Six kids and three dogs make such a mess!!!
The Martin clan is here for a visit (minus the commander in chief, J-Mo) and it is crazy busy at our house. Six kids under the age of 9 and we are having so much fun!!! Activities have included running through the sprinkler, sliding down a too small baby pool and making Aunt Emme (my name for those of you that don't know) cringe as they almost break a few bones or get concussions, walks to the park, swinging competitions, a much anticipated purchase from "The Ice Cream Truck" and a fun trip to Pizza Hut (Kyle's favorite pizza that is not available where they live in PA).
More to follow soon!
More to follow soon!
It's About Time...I Thought I Would DIE!!!
I have been without my computer for the last five days....AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best Buy's Geek Squad was supposed to be fixing my computer but after five days, five visits to the store, countless phone calls and my favorite part...basically being called an idiot and a liar by a manager I have my computer back...fixed (for now) free of charge and a letter waiting to be written to the Best Buy company.
Anyway, Just wanted to let you know I am back in the land of the living...I don't know how I have survived without my computer...
Love to all,
Best Buy's Geek Squad was supposed to be fixing my computer but after five days, five visits to the store, countless phone calls and my favorite part...basically being called an idiot and a liar by a manager I have my computer back...fixed (for now) free of charge and a letter waiting to be written to the Best Buy company.
Anyway, Just wanted to let you know I am back in the land of the living...I don't know how I have survived without my computer...
Love to all,
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